Doktorské konference FA ČVUT /
PhD conferences FA CTU
05/10-20/10/2023 |
Týden vědy a výzkumu 2023 byl podpořen v rámci Studentské vědecké konference ČVUT SVK |
Felcman Jindřich
Dostupnost volné krajiny pro obyvatele krajských měst ČR – rozdíly mohou být zásadní
téma doktorské práce | Udržitelný rozvoj městských regionů v 21.století | škola | Fakulta architektury ČVUT v Praze | školitel
| prof. Ing. arch. Karel Maier, CSc.
| anotace | Free landscape accessibility for the residents of regional towns of the Czech Republic – the differences may be crucial
The shape of the built-up area and the distribution of features in it, are the coarsest scale parameters that determine the functioning of the city. Their thoughtful management can significantly affect mainly the optimization of transport systems and harmonization of relations between the different functions. In previous research was conducted an analysis of these parameters at the most general level. By selected regional cities was studied the relationship between built-up area of the towns and free landscape beyond the boundaries of built-up area. Individual shapes of built-up areas and their growth were evaluated in terms of how to predetermine free landscape accessibility from all over the city. In this follow-up research are previous results extended on the evaluation of the distribution of population in the urban area, based on the processing of data from the last census of houses, people and dwellings in 2011. It was achieved results that assess free landscape accessibility directly for city residents according to the current spatial distribution of their residences. Results of the analysis of the city Liberec and České Budějovice showed very different conditions in both cities in accessibility to open countryside. The differences result from different densities and urban structure of both cities.
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