Doktorské konference FA ČVUT /
PhD conferences FA CTU

Architecture and Urbanism: Contemporary Research /
7th International Doctoral Conference

Konference byla podpořena v rámci Studentské vědecké konference ČVUT, SVK 3718/F5

7th international conference "Architecture and Urbanism: Contemporary research" took place at the Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University in Prague on December 7th – 8th, 2017. The even.t focused on the doctoral students of architecture, urbanism and related fields from the region of Central Europe. All conference papers have been reviewed.
Architektura a urbanismus: Současný výzkum


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Příspěvky / Papers

Kvalitní architektura funkčního stínění
Stark Martin, Ing. arch.
Framework for Defining a Transient Outdoor Comfort Model in Dense Urban Spaces, Processes & Findings
Chokhachian Ata, M.Sc., Santucci Daniele, Dipl.-Ing. , Vohlidka Philipp, Auer Thomas, Dipl.-Ing., Prof.
Parkinsonova nemoc a architektura
Tomandl Jan, Ing. arch.
Jaká data města nejčastěji sbírají a otvírají?
Horáková Eva, Ing. arch.
Pražské sdílené prostory a teorie shared space
Ostach Anton, Mgr.
Restructuring Planning Policies in Post-War/Crisis Phase: Cases of Damascus and Latakia Regions in Syria
Ibrahim Batoul, MSc.
Zhodnocení turistického potenciálu v Praze
Koubková Renata, Ing. arch.
The Iconic Movement Definition
Reshetnikova Tatiana, M.A.
Colonial History Undefined The Preservation and Adaptive Reuse of Japanese Residences on Qingtain Street in Taipei
Cheng Yung-Chen, M.Sc.
Commons, Commoning and Urban Commons
Kozlai Rudolf Dipl. Ing.
Feminist Perspective of Experimental Public Housing Projects During the Period of Soviet Avant-Garde
Vasevych Marta, M.Arch.
„Území, kam prší”
Imramovská Martina, Ing. Ph.D.
Social Perception of Vernacular Elevated Drying Sheds: Slovenia and Spain
Miguel Marta Bujanda, M.Arch.
Obraz historického jadra mesta Pezinok dnes
Šišláková Lívia, Ing. arch.
Reflection of the Idea of State-Building in Architecture of Schools of Volyn in 1920s–1930s
Bondarchuk Lyudmila, M.Arch.
Panelárna Prefa Holešovice
Moos Jiří, Ing. arch.
Umění anglických zahrad velkovévodů toskánských mezi Čechami a Toskánskem
Březáčková Petra, Dott.ssa
Component Assemblies – generované štruktúry ako protoarchitektonické formy
Tholt Tomáš, Ing. arch., Zajíček Viliam, Ing. arch.

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