Doktorské konference FA ČVUT /
PhD conferences FA CTU

Architecture and Urbanism: Contemporary Research /
7th International Doctoral Conference

Konference byla podpořena v rámci Studentské vědecké konference ČVUT, SVK 3718/F5

7th international conference "Architecture and Urbanism: Contemporary research" took place at the Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University in Prague on December 7th – 8th, 2017. The even.t focused on the doctoral students of architecture, urbanism and related fields from the region of Central Europe. All conference papers have been reviewed.
Architektura a urbanismus: Současný výzkum


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Příspěvky / Papers

Reflection of the Idea of State-Building in Architecture of Schools of Volyn in 1920s–1930s
Bondarchuk Lyudmila, M.Arch.
Panelárna Prefa Holešovice
Moos Jiří, Ing. arch.
Umění anglických zahrad velkovévodů toskánských mezi Čechami a Toskánskem
Březáčková Petra, Dott.ssa
Component Assemblies – generované štruktúry ako protoarchitektonické formy
Tholt Tomáš, Ing. arch., Zajíček Viliam, Ing. arch.
Kvalitní architektura funkčního stínění
Stark Martin, Ing. arch.
Framework for Defining a Transient Outdoor Comfort Model in Dense Urban Spaces, Processes & Findings
Chokhachian Ata, M.Sc., Santucci Daniele, Dipl.-Ing. , Vohlidka Philipp, Auer Thomas, Dipl.-Ing., Prof.
Parkinsonova nemoc a architektura
Tomandl Jan, Ing. arch.
Jaká data města nejčastěji sbírají a otvírají?
Horáková Eva, Ing. arch.
Pražské sdílené prostory a teorie shared space
Ostach Anton, Mgr.
Restructuring Planning Policies in Post-War/Crisis Phase: Cases of Damascus and Latakia Regions in Syria
Ibrahim Batoul, MSc.
The Iconic Movement Definition
Reshetnikova Tatiana, M.A.
Zhodnocení turistického potenciálu v Praze
Koubková Renata, Ing. arch.
Commons, Commoning and Urban Commons
Kozlai Rudolf Dipl. Ing.
Colonial History Undefined The Preservation and Adaptive Reuse of Japanese Residences on Qingtain Street in Taipei
Cheng Yung-Chen, M.Sc.
Feminist Perspective of Experimental Public Housing Projects During the Period of Soviet Avant-Garde
Vasevych Marta, M.Arch.
„Území, kam prší”
Imramovská Martina, Ing. Ph.D.
Social Perception of Vernacular Elevated Drying Sheds: Slovenia and Spain
Miguel Marta Bujanda, M.Arch.
Obraz historického jadra mesta Pezinok dnes
Šišláková Lívia, Ing. arch.

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