Doktorské konference FA ČVUT /
PhD conferences FA CTU
05/10-20/10/2023 |
Týden vědy a výzkumu 2023 byl podpořen v rámci Studentské vědecké konference ČVUT SVK |
Kurčíková Radka
Přísnost a lpění
téma doktorské práce | Základy architektonického navrhování | škola | Fakulta architektury ČVUT v Praze | školitel
| doc. Ing. Michaela Brožová
| anotace | Czech family houses either follow or can follow almost all nowadays achievements of technologies and reasonable functional conditions. There are no new horrible conditions allowed. The reason to build is to have, to own a place to live, not to be under control of neighbours, to have privacy and a reasonable amount of floor space. Quality of dwelling depends on finances, some people can live with a very little. The art is the first thing to go when the investor has not enough money, almost no-one builds to own a small unhabitable but beautifull piece od architecture. View towards landscape and connection with a garden are main extra desires. It is somehow connected to the need to live in the nature, or at least to connect with the nature and have a sense of well spent lazy leasure time. The main architectural qualities are based on a solution of a relationship between the inside and the outside. But there are very few houses with really good interiors, as if it was not crucial to make a hart of the house, the space flows out, towards the landscape in the distance. It is unlike the interoiors for instance designed by Jan Kotěra at the beginnig od the 20. century. We can find five types of houses: country-like, authentic country, city-like, abstract minimalismus, special wooden structures. Each of them tries somehow to deal with context, past, genius loci. The country-like and authentic rural houses follow craft, but not art, houses are modest, practical and not very inventive. We try hard to please genius loci or past qouality architecture. We still hang on past cognitive rules and visual styles. There is to much of severity and rigid identity. There is a lack of creative freedom in Czech architecture yet.
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