Doktorské konference FA ČVUT /
PhD conferences FA CTU

TÝDEN VĚDY A VÝZKUMU 2023 05/10-20/10/2023

Týden vědy a výzkumu 2023 byl podpořen v rámci Studentské vědecké konference ČVUT SVK
Ščudla Miroslav

Možnosti profesionálního užití slámy v současné architektuře

téma doktorské práce Každodennost a udržitelnost v architektuře
škola Fakulta architektury ČVUT v Praze

doc. Ing. arch. Eduard Schleger

anotace Professional Application Of Straw In Contemporary Architecture In contemporary architecture, straw is used marginally, mostly in do-it-yourself construction. Although the convenient qualities of straw have long been known, it has not gained the trust of builders and designers. Construction companies have not learned to work with straw on a regular basis. In the scope of green technologies, an opportunity is emerging to use straw in professional building systems suitable for sustainable architecture. Why it is desirable to use straw? We can hardly find insulation with lower carbon footprint and primary energy impact. Simple and widely available local material is provided as residue from agricultural process. Durability of the incorporated straw depends on the same factors as in the case of wood: protection from direct moisture and diffusional open structure. Envelope filled with straw provides acoustic insulation, good thermal stability, combined with clay plaster modulates an air humidity in the interior naturally. If we want to apply it in our architectural designs, we have several possibilities. The common small straw bales are suitable for many ways of structure (wooden framework or load bearing straw) and do-it-yourself process. This way of building process can be interrupt by logistic problems or weather disaster. Contemporary building market offers professional products made of straw: universal strongly pressed boards or system of modular units for external walls. All these ways of application are able to gain the high building quality. The innovative straw technologies enable to design and erect the energy passive house with considerable percentage of straw in constructions. Although the advantages of straw are indisputable, the next success of straw building materials depends on the interest of architects and builders.

Img 1 | Ščudla Miroslav Možnosti profesionálního užití slámy v současné architektuřeImg 2 | Ščudla Miroslav Možnosti profesionálního užití slámy v současné architektuřeImg 3 | Ščudla Miroslav Možnosti profesionálního užití slámy v současné architektuřeImg 4 | Ščudla Miroslav Možnosti profesionálního užití slámy v současné architektuřeImg 5 | Ščudla Miroslav Možnosti profesionálního užití slámy v současné architektuřeImg 6 | Ščudla Miroslav Možnosti profesionálního užití slámy v současné architektuře