Doktorské konference FA ČVUT /
PhD conferences FA CTU
05/10-20/10/2023 |
Týden vědy a výzkumu 2023 byl podpořen v rámci Studentské vědecké konference ČVUT SVK |
Winková Nikola
Námestie a systémová teória
téma doktorské práce | Úloha námestí pri transformácii urbánnych štruktúr | škola | Fakulta architektúry STU v Bratislave | školitel
| doc. Ing. arch Ľubica Vitková, PhD.
| anotace | Square and theory of systems
This paper deals briefly with the possibilities of exploring the issue of the role of a square in the transformation of urban structure by means of the systems theory.
The paper, explaining the concept of the urban system, defines its elements and their fundamental, mutually binding relations. A general definition of the square is introduced with respect to the implied theory of systems. At the same time, some reference is made to the importance of the right choice of differential analysis determining the method of the systems study. This is indicated also by obtaining the relevant input data and applications of the analytical tools of the GIS system. GIS assists to analyze a simulation of transformation processes in the urban environment or in a structure, and to predict their impact on the activities of the people and their options in enjoying and using the environment. Projecting the future models of conduct is a significant instrument for invigoration of urban life, a possible key to its understanding, helping to show how and where it is necessary to intervene effectively in the system of urban structure so that the cities could become a better milieu for life.
The processes of revitalization and designing new urban areas now take place without the conception of its entirety, as a result of which these areas often turn to be dysfunctional. The paper aims to present some options of a complex systems approach to these processes based on detailed analyses and prognoses that may take into consideration the ties and interrelations existing between the substance of the urban structure, the public urban areas , and the people’s lives.
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